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Ear, Nose & Throat

Foreign bodies in the ear if left untreated can cause pain, hearing loss and infection. Typically you know if something is stuck in your ear. Small children may not be aware of it or may not inform you that they have.  They can have symptoms of pain, crying and irritability. 

If you can’t see the object – do not prod or poke, this may cause the object to push further into the canal or rupture the ear drum.  If the object is easy to see or grasp, gently use tweezers.  If you can not remove the object easily the first time do not continue to try. Do not use water to flush the object out of the ear canal, organic and some organic material will absorb the water and the object will increase in size.
Come and visit us at Heal Urgent Care for a medical review, we have the skills and tools to help.

Young children often experiment their bodies by placing foreign objects into places that they shouldn’t – like the nose.  Sometimes it is because they are curious, and other times they copy other children, and less often they accidentally sniff the object when trying to smell it.
Typically, these objects are soft and small like tissues, play-dough, beads, foam, erases and food.  The child may tell you they have put something in their nose, otherwise, you will find it out on your own. The thing to look for when suspecting a nasal foreign body is nasal drainage. Typically it is one side of the nose with the object and will have an offensive smell. You also may notice some blood or whistling sounds when the child is breathing. 
Do not attempt to remove it at home, come and see us at Heal Urgent Care for help.

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